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My name is Sarah Estapa, and I am a Hispanic marketing thought leader, veteran copywriter, content strategist, and proud Tejana.

Originally from the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, I grew up speaking predominately English, Spanish, and Spanglish
(the unofficial language
of South Texas)

Growing up just 15 minutes away from the Mexican border, I’ve had the privilege of living in a truly bilingual and bicultural society where both U.S. and Latino traditions live in harmony, like barbacoa and pan dulce on Sundays and Friday night football games.


Little did I know that this bicultural paradise would one day shape my understanding of the world and inspire me to deepen my comprehension of the diverse cultures across Latin America.

The further I grew my knowledge and understanding of the vast Hispanic market, I saw the need to apply these learnings and my own cultural experiences to my work as a copywriter. Throughout my professional career, I’ve perfected the art of brand voice writing in two languages (English and Spanish) and have developed bilingual and bicultural content for leading advertising agencies, Fortune 500 companies, hospitals, startups, and non-profits.  

In 2020, Latinx Copywriter was created out of a growing need for authentic representation in Hispanic marketing. Being Hispanic is much more than just speaking Spanish, having a specific type of last name, or where you were born. It’s about fulfilling the need to be seen and validated through a transparent lens. It’s a need to feel a connection to our heritage and our upbringing. It’s an understanding of our rich and diverse cultures while still being proud of our American roots.

Somos más. We are more.

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